Toniolo University

Numero verde 800401611

Master di 1° livello

Made in Italy - Italian Musical Heritage

Made in Italy - Italian Musical Heritage

Master 1° Livello

Iscrizioni sempre aperte

Durata: 1500 ore

CFU: 60

Italy was the cradle of renowned composers who gave a fundamental contribution to many “art music” genres, from madrigals to opera; it was for centuries the European centre of classical music and the favourite destination for great composers such as Handel, Gluck, Mozart, Mendelssohn, and many others. The study course “Italian Music Heritage ” originated under such perspective.

The course offers modules aimed at acquiring adequate knowledge and the cultural background necessary for achieving a higher level in this peculiar aspect of the history of music, provided by experienced lecturers in the sector.

During the course, the following topics will be covered:

– Introducing Italia Opera
– Italian Music Outside Italy: Italian Composers at the Courts of Europe
– The “Grand Tour” as a cultural-musical reference: Italy’s Music Festivals
– Music Events Management
– Italian instrumental music between 19th and 20th century
– Italian jazz festivals
– Classic Neapolitan song
– Italian instrumental music
– Italian sacred music
– Italian bel canto singing
– The Italian madrigalists and Claudio Monteverdi
– The Italian art of violin
– 20th century Italian opera highlights

For information about the modules that will be covered during the course, please consult the section Objectives  0
Final dissertation  0

The course aims to provide and deepen the skills as necessary for a professional growth. Once the course is completed, the graduates shall have the opportunities to work as experts in the field of music education and its cultural dissemination (for example as a teacher in schools or in Concert Institutions) or in music archives and libraries and in specialised publishing.

All those interested in becoming experts in the field of musical heritage and its cultural dissemination as well as students who wish to participate in current discussions of music.

Students are expected to:

• study the didactic material specifically arranged;

• participate in online activities;

• successfully meet the required learning outcomes of each module as stated in course outline in order to pass the assignments;

• revise the assignments according to the lecturers’ comments in an event of the failure to meet one or more of the learning outcomes for each module;

• successfully pass the final dissertation defence real time via digital tools

The following access qualifications are required:

  • Bachelor’s Degree qualification (EQF level 6)

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